Monday, January 9, 2012

Pilgrimage: Some preparations

The decision is taken, I am going on a pilgrimage. But before I start to walk 800 km, it is necessary with some preparation. I bought some books on pilgrimage from the Confraternity of St. James in Oslo

To read what others have done before is very helpful and there are many good books and films on the market that is about pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella. I started to train physically for the trip four months before departure. Daily tours, gradually longer and longer and eventually also with a backpack. Yes, the backpack must be included. What you need in your to have with you quickly reaches 10 kilos. It is wise not to have a heavier backpack than this. But it is also important to walk a lot in good time before departure, both in order to harden your feet and to loosen up new hiking shoes. What should be included in the backpack can be read about in the books available for purchase. Do not carry too much with you, was the advice I got from many people.

A part of my preparation was to think mentally about the journey. What did I want to experience? What expectations did I? What did I hope to find? Should I keep a diary? Etc.. This was an important process for me. After many years of daily routines with regards work and studies, I wanted to get back to other aspects of life. the unpredicted, the spontaneous, the sudden happenings, - to be in the MOMENT. Would I be able to connect as much of the everyday routines that I could experience the MOMENT again? The strange timeless place where I is present with all of myself right there and then. This was somethng I wanted very strongly.

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